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July 3, 2019 Subject:
Hooray for Yancy
Watched it as a child and am happy to see it still holds up today. His then wife Margaret was a cutie - and good enough as an actor. Frances Bergen was Candace Bergen's mother - you can see the resemblance. Always liked X Brands. Mahoney was a suave leading man, the script here is clever. As so many have said here, it holds up well after almost 70 years.
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June 5, 2014 Subject:
A little gem...
First time viewing this series; seemed to be an amalgam of "Maverick"; "Have Gun Will Travel" and elements of "The Barbery Coast" which it probably preceeded by a few years... funny to have the potential love interest / man hunter being played by the lead actors own wife, must have led to some amusing incidents on set. Would love to see more of this as each of the roles are well played and although has the usual stock clichéd characters it still holds up better than many oft he later western series including "The Big Valley".
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June 4, 2014 Subject:
Jock Mahoney as Yancy Derringer
Jock Mahoney did well in the one year run as Yancy Derringer. The plot and acting hold up very well for a five and a half decade old television program.
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August 19, 2012 Subject:
A Bullet for Bridget (Yancy Derringer).
Season 1, episode 5. Original air date: 6 November 1958. Madame Francine`s girl midget cousin keeps being drug back to a mysterious black freighter from China, The Murphy Brown, supposedly only containing the finest silk. Cast: Jock Mahoney (Yancy Derringer), Kevin Hagen (John Colton), X Brands (Pahoo), Frances Bergen (Madame Francine), Maggie Mahoney (Bridget Malone), Charles Maxwell (Emmet Rankin), Zachary Charles (Dan), Fred Graham (Lowry) and Larry J. Blake (Jailer). From IMDB.